Yo So colin and bryce be out and about chillin with dey mommies and watchin dat football and I be like yo, where my friends at?
So I go see da little homie rugby in da basement and he be like, yo, I gots to get outside.
So I take that fool on a walk cause he be guilt trippin....
I brings da teniss ball be he like, na na na.
So we hiking a while and we bouts to roll when that little pooper drops a huge one!
I wasn't trippin even do it was by the pick up da poop sign. I aint bouts to bare hand that so Im gonna let it chill for a bit.
Anywayz, we were walkin home and I realize, that little homie got the whole world to poop in, he's got the most tricked whip around, you know he's more freedomz than I'll ever gets.
Yo but I ain't trippin, I gots to have that privacy.
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